Have you come to the site to find a Russian girls or Ukranian bride? Do Slavonic girls attract you? .
Register at the site and pay special attention to your pictures. Many men think that women do not pay attention to the pictures - WRONG! They do. When you are already associating with a person, pictures pale into insignificance. But in the beginning they are important.
Ukraine and Russia are the countries of traditional view on the roles of men and women. Most of the information about you is written in your profile. That's why your letters can be rather short. They may be quite standard: i.g. I like ou, do you like my profile etc... Otherwise, you can think of something more original. If you want to be slower in your approach send to the Ukrainian girls on the site postcards or ice-breaks.
In your first letters you are recommended to write when you are going to come to Ukraine to visit your lady. You should be definite. On this site, women are serious looking for a partner in life and many of them have faced a situation when men just wrote, wrote, wrote them for several years but the time went by and nothing happened. That's why many women reply less gladly when they do not know when a man can come at their place.
Choose the women with whom it is easy for you to deal with, with whom you never feel at sea. Ask your lady for a telephone number and call her. That will tell you more about her than tons of letters.
When you have established good relationship with a girl, try to come to Russia or Ukraine as soon as possible. The more you delay your visit to your girl the bigger is the chance that your relationship will go down - she will marry somebody else who has come earlier.